Thursday, 29 September 2011

Real and Rational Fears Part II

It's a very real fear of mine that time is slipping quickly away and suddenly THE JUMP IS ALMOST HERE!  And I haven't even finished my risk assessment yet. 

The time thing is real though.  It really is disappearing into the mist and I feel life is slipping away.  Each moment wasted is ... a moment wasted.  I suppose that's part of the whole jump thing anyway.  Making the most of every moment and doing those - Pop Culture Interlude Alert - 'bucket list' things.  Everything you've always wanted to do, and some things you never wanted to do but think would be good to do anyway.  And some things that just sound cool on the list.  And cheap things.  Almost everything on my list is really quite expensive... how did that happen? 

Anyway, the time difference between east and west is looking very favourable right now - perhaps if I fly endlessly round the world the wrong way, I can get back some of the time I've lost.  Or perhaps not.  Perhaps I should just realise that this happens to everyone, and I need to get used to it.  Oh well.  Mid life crisis well in situ, so I'll continue.

I'm nearly there.  I think I've lost the required weight, and then I find that what I was led to believe on one document was wrong, and actually I was well under the maximum weight all along!!!!  Good - yet bad.  Irritating, yet pleasing.  If I've not lost one more pound, I won't be thrown off the jump.  And good, as I did lose the weight, and it's been needed for ages.  And more.

What I will show some slight irritation about though, is BAD ADMINISTRATION.  Apart from anything else, the charity may well have put people off who would otherwise have volunteered to jump on their behalf.  Which is bad.  But hey, it's ok for me this time so I'll live with it. And I'll let them know nicely too.

So, I feel like I've already won a prize.  My clothes are looser, my whole body feels better.  I've got a bit of extra energy.  And I know that I can do it.  No dieting, no fads.  Just good, ole' fashioned healthy eating, and a few nice yummy treats occasionally, and the odd meal out.  Still a challenge, and not there yet, but GO GIRL!

And regarding the risk assessment, well, I have to place my trust in the people operating the scheme - their dedication and hard work and experience.  I'll give it my best shot. 

The weather forecast is good too!

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